Sunday, March 27, 2011


2 Tim. 2:5 Beware!
Just as it is in the physical so it is in the spirit.There are fouls that lead to penalty in the race.  Avoid them! Why would Nadab and Abihu be slain before the Lord? Lev. 10:1-2
What about Uzzah? 2 Sam. 6:6-7, They were not hated.  They simply played against the rule.
Avoid tragedy in your life and ministry.
Take time to study and understand details of the rules of the game.
Ignorance is not an excuse and point of exemption from punishment ? never make assumption.
Be detailed. Aaron and his other two children escaped because they became well informed. Lev. 10:7-9 In order to escape penalty and casualty, know the rules of the game of life.

Prayer for the week,
(1)Let the holyspirit  have his way and reveal the state of your heart to you and ask God            
     genuinely to forgive   you and get revived to live for God.

(2) Let’s repent and confess and denounce any sins known or unknown in our life, let’s
     repent and confess for forgiveness if we have offended other without knowing.

 (3)With humility let’s prepare our hearts to be used and blessed by God in this retreat  
     and every day. Repent any pride lifted in our heart or any altar that has replaced God
     from our hearts,

(4)Lets repent our self righteousness and glorifications and judging others or critical  
      heart or despise others because of their weakness or failures,

(5)Let’s ask God to search us and find out anything in our heart and help us repent,

(6)Let’s repent the spirit of comparison with others, or competing with others instead of following what God want us to do.

 (7)Lets repent of backsliding and compromising hearts, lets ask God to restore us.

(8)Let’s ask God to forgive the sins of our mouth(filthy talks, slanders,
gossip,lies, arguments, etc,) the sins of our mind (bad imaginations, pride, hypocrisy etc) the sins of flesh (fornications, lusts, all kind of impurity etc) .We pray against any sins from our heart

  (9) Lets make vow to God that I will not set my eyes on sin,(pornography, worlds films, demonic computer games, etc,) let’s make vow to God that my body will not be used by the devil as his vehicle, or participate in devilish activities, rituals, or any things accursed to God

 (10)We pray for the Holy Spirit to fill us afresh, and give us power to pray and serve God, it is only the presence of God that guarantees us victory over Satan, whatever we do from the strength of flesh alone can’t stand or bring glory to God.

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