Matthew 5:13-20
Christians are the salt and the light of the world (vv13-15). These mean that they are to preserve the world from corruption, resist moral decay and stay away from work of dardkness. Are you doing this in your home, work place, communitte, your school, and everywhere you are? Whatever you say or do must bring glory to God(v.16) Believers are to fulfil the law(vv.17-19). This will be possible if we allow the Holy Spirit to put to death in us sinful deeds of the body and help us to fulfil God's will (see Rom 8:13). Believers righteousness must not be external only like the that of Scribes and Pharisees (v20). Hearts, souls spirit must be involved in the love and service of God. ((Mt 22:37).
Thought: Lord I ant to be like Jesus in my heart.'
God bless you Pastor for the devotional message it has encourage me so much let more of this come, be blessed in Jesus name.