Monday, January 31, 2011


31st January 2011
There are different motives for taking up spiritual responsibilities. Paul in this passage continues to explain his selfless commitment to the call of Christ to preach. He sees preaching the gospel as a sacred trust from God for which he seeks no other payment other than the blessing of being an instrument of God for  converting souls to Christ. His reward or blessing is the joy of  sharing the gospel with others. His hope is to win the prize. His fear is not to be disqualified. What gives you joy? Do you derive joy and satisfaction from leading  sinners to Christ?

 Prayer: Pray for the grace to be selfless in your commitment to Christ.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


January 29th 2011

Paul exhibit an example of a sacrificial Christian life to follow. Sometimes like  Paul, it may be necessary to give up legitimate rights and privileges for the sake of the gospel for  peace  among brethren and as an offering of sacrificial love for brethren. What are the Apostles’ rights that Paul and Barnabas gave up? Read. Vv.4-6 again. See Paul’s  conclusion in vv.12. Why did Paul decide to give up his rights? All Christians are called to live  a sacrificial Christians life, so that they can be channels of blessing to others. Live your life to  honour  God

Thought:  What right are you willing to give up for gospel’s sake?Pray that the Lord will help you give up whatever had become hindrance to you be taken away from your life for the sake of Christ.

Friday, January 28, 2011


January 28th 2011-01-27
The subject of food sacrificed to idols is the matter in today’s passage. The situation in Corinth was that  some brethren who did not believe in the existence of other gods were therefore, eating any food-meat  without any  sense of guilt, while others who were weak in faith were stumbling and being destroy.To them the idol is a living  reality. Paul’s position is that your knowledge of the absolute nonentity of idols must be balanced by love. Therefore, Christians to fall. Read v.13 again and pray that God should help you not to be a stumbling block to others.  You may have to deny yourself certain things, if doing so will help young Christians to grow.

 Prayer for the Day: Pray for new converts that God will help them mature in knowledge and in grace.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


January 27th 2011
Jesus fulfilled all the prophecies written about Him years before His earthly ministry (v.17). He will fufill all His plans about concerning you. He healed fever, cast out demons, and healed all that were sick (vv. 14-17). God has plans for your life to the glory of His name. Pray to Him always for his guidance. Jesus told the man who wanted to followed Him the cost of discipleship (vv. 19-20). There are prices we must pay as believers for following Christ (Mk 8:34) When He has called people to Himself together with the disciple He told them who ever wants to come after Him must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Him. But the most wonderful result is that the reward are incomparable. What was the excuse of the other man (v.21)? There is no excuse acceptable for indulging in sin. We are created for His glory and honour. You must live to honour your Creator.

Prayer for the Day: Lord Jesus give me the grace to live for as I go no with life on this earth.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


January 26th 2011
God loves a cheerful giver(v.1-2). list at least five items that you can give to God. In (v.8). God always wants to live among His people. Your body is the temple of the living God, as soon as you accpt Him as you personal Savior and Lord of your life (Rev 3:20). He dwells also among us Christians whereever we gather together (Matt 18:20). God has standards. He showed Moses what He wanted (v. 9). We must not shy away from God's standard as written in the Bible. Check out for His standard on. Sex outside marriage (1Cor.6:18). Being rude, disobedient and cursing one's parent (Lev 20:9,23). And being a cult member and bowing down to images )Lev 20:6-7).

Prayer of the Day: Lord Jesus help me to live up to your standard in every aspect of my life in Jesus name I pray. Amen

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


January 25th 2011
What a clarion call to Moses (v.12). We cannot get close to God unless we totally separate ourselves from the world and be holy to the Lord. God can uniquely choose you among your friends or family memebers if you believe and trust in Him with all your heart and separate yourself from all sinful acts. Daniel in his own days decided not to defile himself with what was in vogue (Dan 1:18). Moses entered into God's glory a cloud that look like devouring fire to the Israelites standing at the foot of the mountain (vv.17,18). Indeeded God is a devouring fire (Deut 4:24). Now that you have given your life to Jesus, serve Him acceptably with reverenceand godly fear (Heb. 12:28). Today you need not to climb mountian top before meeting with the Lord. you can begin to worship Him in spirit and in truth.

Prayer of the Day: Lord Jesus may you open the understanding of my heart to see and to know you with all my being that I may serve you all the days of my life.

Monday, January 24, 2011


January 24th 2011
Our God is a caring shepherd and a dependable guide. We must obey and follow Him as He teaches us. He is the only hope for security and eternal life.
V. 1 The Lord is my shepherd I have all that I need, means with Him there is no lurk, shortage, and no fear.
Psalm 27:1 Says the Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear we need not fear if our trust is in Him.
Sheeps are totally dependant on the shepherd for their protection, survival, and provisions, and having Christ as your will let you know protected you and I are.
When we allow God to be our shepherd, He will always guide us to the right place where can find good rest, and we need to be completely dependant on Him. If we chose to go our own way we will be bringinng troubles on ourselves. Jesus being our shepherd knows where the greens are and will leads us there to find peace. Rebelling against the shepherd's leading is rebelling against our own best interest. We must know when we are tempted to go our own way rather than God's way. (v.4). Even when I walk through the darkest valley Iwill not be afraid, the only fear can be cast out of our life is by us walking side by side the shepherd. He will prepared a table before our enemies in the mixed of our foes He will still with and help us to dine to our satisfaction, and He will protected us by annointing our head with oil and see us through all difficulties. Above all we shall dwell in Him all the days of our life and enjoy all the good things Has for us.

Prayer for the Day: Lord Jesus be my Shepherd today and forever in Jesus name.    

Saturday, January 22, 2011


January 22nd 2011
In this passage Paul is trying to put people who make excuses for their sin, he point it out there is no one who has not sin. That why Christ came to die for us, we can only have eternal life true Jesus and him alone.
The Jews had an advantage by being the chosing people for God, becuase the whole revelation of God's plan was handed over to them, yet that does not make them better than anyone. For everybody needed to believe in God for his or her salvation. Even though some of them was unfaithful does also does not mean God will be unfaithful our God is always faithful. Some may even think they don't have to think about sin because it is God's duty to forgive. God is so loving that He will not judge, sin is not bad it teaches us valuable lessons, or we need to stick to our culture. We do not have to take God's grace for granted, for God can not over look sin, no matter how many excuses we make sinners will have to answer to God for their deeds.

Prayer for the Day: Lord Jesus help me to accept your work on the cross that brought me out of darkness that I may see the light.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


January 21st 2011
As Jesus was still teaching He told the ordience, their ancestors was told they must not break any vow made to the Lord their God, today many of us takes things for granted by making vows that we can not fulfill that is what Jesus was talking about. Do you make just because you want to make it you make it by meaning what you say.
According to Jesus we must not swear by anything that our word should enough. In Jesus days vows were common and HE told His followers not use them. James write to his readers, never to take an oath, by the heavens or earth or anything else. They are to say yes or simple say no that they will sin to be condenm, he is talking to us to for the Bible is always present. Are you known as a person of your word? if we speak the truth all the time we would not have to back our statement with I promise. Your yes should be your yes and no should be your no, by so doing you will not be under presure to do anytrhing contrally.

Thouhts of the Day: Do you mean what you always say?
Prayer for the Day: Lord Jesus help me to be steadfast in my words that I might not sin against you.


January 20th 2011
We all know how Jesus talks about anger, many times anger that is uncheck leads us to greater sin. In (v.21). We read that Jesus as He was teaching His follwers, said you have heard that our ancestors were told in the law, you must not murder if you commit murder you are subject to judgment. That anyone who kill will be judge, but Jesus have this to say in (v.22). If you are even angry with someone, you are equally subject to judgment, if you call someone idiot you are in denger of being brought before the court and if you curse someone you are in denger of the fire of hell, why did Jesus state this very things to His follwers? He has has promise us that vengence is His and we are not to take the fight into our hands we might not no how to about it and end up in sin.
So you many of us fall short of the statement He made if you are on your way to give offering and you remember that, some has something against you leave the sacrifice there and go back to settled then come back to give your offering to God. One thing we must know is that anger destroy so many things that is Jesus said we should not become angry that may lead us to murder, the Pharisees thought they have read the law and have obey it because non of them had kill but they were so angry of Jesus that in no time they were going to plot His death, that is anger causes. Anger violates God's command to love, it's dangrous it hurts us emotional, leads to violence, it inreased mental stress and spiritual damege, it also keep us from developing a spirit that can please God.
Paul wrote to the Church of Ephesians that they watch out that they will not the devil a foot to stand on, and it is for us today that we will not allow the devil place in our hearts by keeping anger in us. Do not let Sun go down on your anger.

Thoughts of the Day: What is keeping so angry that you don't to let go?
Prayer of the Day: Lord Jesus I call upon you this day to look inside me and deal with every anger that is destroying me in Jesus name

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


January 19th 2011
We were created to affect world positively, just as seasoning brings outthe best flavor in food, Christians should not blend in with everyone else.
In (v.13). Jesus said we are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it lost it's flavor? Can you make it stay salty again? it will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless. If seasoning has no flavor, it has no value, if Christians make no effort to affect the world around them, they of little value of God. If we are too much of the world we are worthless Christians.
Can you hide a city that is sitting on a mountain top? It's light at night can be seen far away. If we live for Christ we will grow like light for He is he the light of the world and whoever is in Him see no darkness, and with that we can show the world what Christ is like. We hide our light by being quite when we should speak, following the crowd, deniyng the light, Letting sin quench our light, Not explaining our light to others or Ignoring the needs of others. Do not shut your light from others in the world for they need it, stand for the truth, (2Corinthians11:10).Paul said as the truth of Christ is in Him no one can stop Him from doing what she need to do. No one should stop you from what you need to do for Christ.

Thoughts of the Day: Is your light and salt alive? If not then now is the time.
Prayer for the Day: Lord Jesus help me to keep my light and salt alive so that the world can see  


Tuesday, January 18, 2011


The Lord was looking for someone to make nation out of and He found someone who was ready to do whatever He says without questioning, complaining, and grambling. Are you ready to obey God the same way?
(v.1). The Lord said to Abram, ''Leave your native country, your relatives, and your father's family and go to the land that I will show you. This was a test for Abram who was so familiar with his household and to leave was a very big problem for him but because he trusted the Lord he obeyed Him, are you to ready to obey.
Without obedience promises or covenant will never come as Abram obey the Lord He promise to make him a great nation, famous, and through him many on earth will be blessed.
In (v.4). Abram departed as the Lord had instrusted him, and Lot went with him Abram was seenty-five years old when he left Heran. Many times we want to help God accomplish His but we can not do that for God always knows what He is doing at every given time, Abram did not know that he was bringinning troubles on himself even though he was being compassionate to his nephew.
God will always fulfilled His promises if we walk according to His ways that Has laid before us, obeying Him in all things if you are living in obedience you will never do what hate and as do what God want you will God's  approval and His blessing will come upon you and you shall be a blessing to others. Let God be first in all that you do and He will make you first in all that He do.

Thought of the day: Are you ready for God's blessings, what will you do to bring that?

Monday, January 17, 2011


In today's word, we can learn to follow God by meditating on the word of God. In the book of Joshua God told Joshua to study the word continually. Meditate on it day and night so you be sure to obey everything written in it.  He says only then can we prosper and succed in all that we do (Joshua 1:8). This means spending more time reading and thinking about what you read. It means asking yourself how can you change so you can live as God wants you to live, knowing and thinking about God's Word are the first steps toward applying it to our everyday life. If you want to follow God more closely you must know what He says. The more we know of the whle scope of God's Word, the more resources we will have to guide us in our daily decisions.
The more we delight in obeying the Lord the more fruitful we become, on the other hand the more we allow those who redicule God to affect our thought and attitudes the more we separate ourselves from our source of nourishment. We must have contact with unbelievers if we are to witness to them, but we must not join them in their sinful behavior. If you want despair spend time with mocking sinners, but if you want God's blessing then make friends with those who love God and His Word (v.3). They prosper in everything that they do, does not mean immunity to failure or difficulties, nor does it guarantiee health, wealth, and happiness. What the Bible means by prosperity is this: When we apply the Word of God the result or the by product we bear will be goodand will receive God's approval. Just as tree soaks up water and baers luscious fruit, we also are to soak up God's Word producing actions and attitudes that honor God, to be able to achieve anything in this life we must have God's Word in our hearts

Saturday, January 15, 2011


The joy of those who do not follow the advice of the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners and mockers is in the Lord.The writer of the Psalms begins by extolling the joy of obeying God and refusing to listen to those who discredit or ridicule him.Our friends,family and associates around can often have a profound influence on us somethings in a subtle way that is not suspecting.If we allow for friendship with those who do not follow Gods commandment, we might fall into sin.

Joseph obeyed God by fleeing from Portifars wife, he was sent to prison for his love of Gods Commandment.
Do you friends sometimes help build up your faith in God or do they make it falter? Your true friends are those who uplift your conviction in the lord and help you increase and value your faith in God. Since God sees all humans as the same irrespective of race,origin and nationality. All men can please God only through obeying his word as contained in the Bible.

By obeying Gods word men become viable trees by the river bank (Jeremiah 17:7-8) that bear fruit that cannot be cut down since they renew their strength from their source or creator which is God. He watches over those who obey and love him giving them the promise of life everlasting. While those who disobey him are like trees that bear no fruit and are blown away to destruction.

Be sure to choose Gods path that leads to life Everlasting.

Prayer for the day
Lord let us follow you, and lead our friends and family to you. Renew our strength and love for you that we might please you and have the gift of everlasting life Amen.


If someone has enough money to live well and the brother or sister has not but he does not show compassion, how can God's love be in such person?
These verse give an example of how to give up our life of others, to help those in need. This is strikingly similar to James' TEACHING (James 2:14-17). How clearly do your actions say you really love others? Are you as generous as you should be with your money, possessions, and time? Many are afraid that they don't love other as they should. They feel guilty because they think they are not doing enough to show proper love to Christ. Their consciences bother them. John has these people in mind in this letters. how do we escape the gnawing accusation of our consciences? Not by ignoring them or rationalizing our behavior but by setting our on God's love. When we fell guilty we should remind ourselves that God knows our motives as well as our actions. His voice of assurance is stronger than the accusing voice of our conscience. If we are in Christ He will not condemn us 8:1; Hebrews 9:14,15. So if you are living for the Lord but feeling that you are not good enough. Remind yourself that God is greater than your conscience.
 The mutual relationship, living in Christ as He lives in us shows itself in Christians who keep these three essential command 1. Believe in Christ, 2. Love brothers and sisters and 3. live morally upright live. The Spirit's presence is not only spiritual and mystical, but it is also practical. Our conduct verifies His presence.

Prayer for the Day: Lord help me to love as you love.       

Friday, January 14, 2011


14th January 2011
John here was telling his listeners about the Word they heard from the beginning that they should love one another, and it is for us today to love one another without condition.
Cain killed his brother Abel when God accepted his brother's offering and not his (Genesis 4:1-16). Abel's offering show that Cain was not given his best to God, and Cain jealous anger drove him to murder. People who walk in uprightness always expose those who are not living right. If we live for God the world will often hate us, because we make them painfully aware of their evil deeds.
John expose us to Jesus teachings that whoever hate his brother or sister is a murderer in his heart (Matthew 5:21-22). Christianity is something that begins from the heart, outward compliance alone is not enough. Bitterness against someone who have wrong you is an evil cancer within you and will eventually destroy you. Do not let that poison root and grow in you.
Real love is an action not a feeling. It produce selfless, sacrificial giving. The greatest act of love is giving oneself for others as Jesus gave Himself for us. How can we give up our lives? By serving others for no thought of receiving anything in return. Sometimes it is easier to say we die others than to truly live it (it is easier said than done). This involve putting others desire first, Jesus thought this same principle love in John 15:13.
Are you ready to give up everything for others?

Prayer for the Day: Lord help me to Love as you love me by giving up yourself for me.     

Thursday, January 13, 2011


13th January 2011
Anyone who continue to live in Him will not sin. But anyone who continue to sin does not know Him or understand who He is.(v.6).
We all have areas where temptation is strong and habits are hard to deal with. These weaknesses give the devil a way into our life, so we must deal with all areas of vulnerability. If we are struggling with a particular sin, however this verse is not talking about people whose victory are still incomplete; he is talking about people who make a practice of sinning and look for a way to justify it.
 There are three necessary steps we can find victory over prevailing sin: (1). Seek the power of the Holy Spirit and God's Word (LOGOS). (2). Stay away from tempting situations, things that will push you into sin and (3). Seek the help of the body of Christ be open to them to hold you accountable and pray with you. They can't keep on sinning means the believer does not make practice of sinning or do they become indifferent to God's moral standard. Because the life of Christ is in you, all believers still sin but they are working to gain victory over sin.
 We become part of God's family if the Holy Spirit lives in us and gives us Jesus new life. To be born again is more than a fresh start; it's a rebirth, receiving a new family name based on the good work Christ did on the Cross. When this happens God forgive us and totally accept us into the new family; the Holy Spirit gives us a new mind and a new heart, He live in us and begins to help us be like Christ Jesus. Our thinking changes because we have the mind that is being control by the Holy Spirit(Romans 12:2).

Prayer for the Day: Lord Jesus, forgive me and help me to become like you let the Holy Spirit come and live in that I may begin with a new mind.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Wednesday January 12 2011
The Christian life is a process of becoming more and more like Jesus. In Romans 8:29 We it is said He new you and predestine you to be conformed to the image of Christ who is the first born among God's children. And this process will not be complete until our Lord returns for us to see Him face to face. For now we see through glass darkly; but then face to face: now  I know in part but shall I know even as also I am in known (1Corinthians 13:12). But knowing that it our ultimate destiny should motivate us to purify ourselves. To keep pure means to keep morally straight free from corruption of sin. God also purifies us but there is action we must take to remain morally fit (1Peter 1:22; 1Timothy 5:22; James 4:8). We must know that there is difference from committing a sin and continuing to sin. Even the most faithful believers sometimes commit sin, but they do not cherish a particular sin or continue to commit that same sin. A believer who commit sin can repent, confess it, and find forgiveness. A person who continue to by contrast is not sorry for what he or she is doing. Thus this person never confesses and never receives forgiveness. such a person is in opposition to God, no matter what religious claims he or she makes. Under the Old Testament sacrifice system, a lamb without blemish was offered as a sacrifice for sin. Jesus is the Lamb of God who take away the sins of the world (John 1:29). Because Jesus live a perfect life and sacrifice Himself for our sins, we can become completely forgiven (v.2:2). We can look back to His death for us and know we need not to fear eternal death(1Peter 1:18-20).

Thought of the Day: What is your position concerning sin, repentance, and confession?

Prayer: Lord help me to sincerely confess my sins to you that I might receive your forgiveness.    

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Trinity Baptist Church 2011 a New Vision

This Year we expect to do new things that will make us Grow and become different people for Christ.Our vision is going to be different our dreams bigger than last year Amen

Link  for dec 31st joint service Videos

9th January 2011 service

9th January 2011 service


As believers our self-worth is based on the fact that God love us and calls us His children. We are His children now and not sometime in distant future. Knowing that we are His children should encourage us to live as Jesus did. If you want to know that you are part of Gods family you can find out in this verse Romans 8 : 14-17; Galatians 3:26;4:7,7. In verse 1. We are made to know who we are, members of God's family His Children. verse 2. Tells us who we are becoming reflections of God. The rest of the chapter tells us, what we are as we grow to resemble God. (1). We have victory over sin (v. 3:4-9). 2. Love for others (v. 3:10-18). And 3. Confidence before God (v.3:19-24).

Prayer for the Day: Lord, help me and let the world see you in me in my day to day life.

Monday, January 10, 2011


Today's message is warning us if we are found to be condemning people, do not think you are always right, so you must not judge others. We should rather look into our selves and make sure we are doing God's will. This passage does not condemn correcting any erring person. Prayer is the key that opens the heavenly doors. God our loving Father is always ready to give us what we ask for. God is happy with those who love others like themselves. The tells us that to follow God's way that lead to heaven is not always easy. But rather it is easy to follow the way that leads to hell, the choice is now ours. For the Scripture says Jesus said I am the Way the Truth, and the Life, you can never go to the Father or know Him unless true me, our mind should focus on Jesus and Him alone.

Prayer for the Day: Lord, help me to follow the only way to Heaven in Jesus name. 

Sunday, January 9, 2011


False prophets was common in Old Testament times. They prophesy only what the king and the people wanted to hear, claiming it was from God. Jesus indicate that false prophets were just as prevalent in His days. False teachers are just as common today. Jesus says to beware of those whose words sound religious but who are motivated by money, fame or power, you can tell who they are because they in their teaching minimize Jesus and glorify and exalt themselves (v.20). Jesus said yes just as you can identify a tree by its fruit, so you can identify people by their actions. We should evaluate teacher's words by examining their lives. just as tree are consistent in the kind of fruit they produce, good teachers consistently exhibit good behavior and high moral character as they they seek to live out true Scripture. This does not mean we should witch-hunts, throwing pastors, Sunday school teachers, and others who are less than perfect. Everyone of us is subject to sin, and we must show the same mercy to others as we expect for our selves. When Jesus talks about worthless trees He means teachers who deliberately teach false doctrine. We must examine the teachers motives, the direction the are talking, and the result they are seeking.

Prayer for the Day: Lord Jesus I pray this day you open my spiritual eyes to see and to know those who brings false doctrine into my life.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Applying God's word helps us to grow. This is principle of growth in physical, mental and spiritual life. For thw example a muscle, when exercised will grow stronger, but an unused muscle will grow weak and flabby. If you are not growing stronger you maybe growing weaker, it is impossible to stand still. How are you using what God has thought you? Then Jesus mother and brothers came to Him,but they could not get to Him because of the crowed.Someone told Jesus your brothers are outside and they want to see you. Jesus told them My mother and my brothers are all those who hear Gd's word and obey it. Jesus true family is comprised of those are those who hear and act upon His commands. Hearing without obeying is not enough as Jesus loves His mother so He loves us. (John 19:25-27). Christ offers us an intimate family relationship with Him (Romans 8:14-16).

Prayer for the Day: Lord Jesus help me to obey every word I hear from you that my life may transform and be pleasing to you.

Friday, January 7, 2011


Some people, especially the religious leaders wanted to be seen as holy so they pray in public to get attention. Jesus saw through their motive and thought that the essence of prayer is not public style or private communication with God. There is a place for public prayer but to pray where only people will notice you indicates that your real audience is not God. Repeating the same words over and over like a magic incantation is no way to ensure that Good listen to our prayer, it's not wrong to come to God many times with the same requests, Jesus encourage us with persistent prayer. But He condemns the shallow repetition of words that are not offered with a sincere heart. We can never pray too much if our prayers are honest and sincere, whenever you want to pray make sure you mean every word you say. This is often called the Lord's prayer because Jesus gave it to His disciples (and us) to keep in mind as we pray. Jesus provided the patten to be imitated as well as duplicated. We should praise Good, pray for His work in the world, pray for our daily needs, and pray for help in our daily struggles. To what extend do you use the guidelines in the Lord's prayer when you are praying? Jesus thought His disciples the godly way of fasting since fasting is approved in both Old and New Testament as a believer you must fast with prayer.

Thought: How often do you fast

Questions: List five ways you can show unconditional love to people. And also is it possible to obey God's instructions?

Thursday, January 6, 2011


The term hypocrites as use here talks about people who do good to be seen, not out of compassion or order good motives. Their action maybe good but their motives are hallow. These empty acts are their only rewards, but God will reward those who are sincere in the faith. When Jesus says not to tell your left hand what your right hand is doing , He is teaching that our motives for giving to God and to others must be pure. It is easy to give with mixed motives, we must not do something for people which will benefit us in return, believers must avoid scheming and give with all pleasure in response for God's love. Whatever we do whether in Church, home, school we must do it with all pleasure. It's easier to do what is good when we gain recognition and praise. To be sure our motives are not selfish we should do our good deeds quietly or where people will not see, with no thought of reward. Jesus ask us to check our motives in three areas giving or generosity(6:4).Prayer(6:6).and fasting(6:18). Those acts should not be self-centered but God-centered, and when it is done not to make us look good but to make God look good. The promises are not material, and it is never given to those who seek it. Doing something only for ourselves is not a loving sacrifice. with your next god deed, ask will I still do this if no one would ever know I did it? why do you give?

Prayer for the Day: Lord Jesus help me serve you with a pure motive, that my service will not be in vain. 

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


In this passage we see how both writers single out the event that took place, it might be probably the same. The blind men called JESUS ''Son of David'' because the Jews know that the Messiah would be a descendant of David (Isaiah 9:6,7;11:1; Jeremiah 23:5,6). These blind beggars could see that Jesus was the long-awaited Messiah, while the religious leaders who witnessed Jesus miracles were blind to His identity, many times we do think that when we are born into a Christian home or we have been in the Church for some many years makes us more spiritual, but unfortunately that is not the case. They refuse to open their eyes to the truth. Seeing with your eyes does not guarantee seeing with your heart. Although Jesus was concern about the coming event in Jerusalem, He took time and demonstrated what He had just told them, we must also concern about Heaven but then so long as we continue to wait for Him we must do whatever He did  In (v.20:28). He told the disciple that. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many. That is why He stopped to take care of the blind. What are you demonstrating to show you are a disciple of the Messiah.

Prayer for the Day: Lord Jesus help me this day to demonstrate whatever I am learning from you, so that I can be a god follower.     

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The purpose of God for your life is to be fruitful, multiply, and have authority. That is the original intention of God for mankind who HE God created in HIS own image and likeness. And as the representatives of  of God on earth we to be doing what God is doing. In (v.26). God said let us make mankind in on Our image, after Our likeness, and let them have complete authority over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and over the beast of the earth, over everything that creeps upon the the earth. (Ps 104:30;Heb 1:2; 11:3). That means all things nothing is left out are suppose to be under your control. Have you ask yourself why are being control by the very things that you are suppose to be controlling? )v.27). So God created man in His own image, in the image and likeness of God He created him meal and female He created them (Col 3:9-10; James 3:8,9.). So you see you are the very image of God and has everything that it takes to live like Him and whatever He is doing. And He has blessed you to be fruitful, multiply, to fill the earth with the talents He has placed in you, and also to use the resources at your disposal to serve Him God and man and above all have dominion over all the resources He has created for us. this is a Command and you must act upon it to your way in this 2011.

Prayer for the Day: Lord Jesus help me discover my position in you that I may fulfill your purpose for me in life. 

Sunday, January 2, 2011


January 1st 2011
If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first. The world will love you as one of it's own if you belonged to them, because you do not belonged to the wold that is why they hate you, that is why He chose us out of the world that through us. Jesus warns us that all this will happen to us because we are His followers. And He continued to say a slave is not greater than te master, so if they persecuted Him they will do the same to us. And because they did not listen to Him they will not listen to us moreover we must continue to spread the Good News. As followers of Christ He promised us of this kind of surffering because of Him. Why? because they do not know God and have rejected Him. That is why we need not to worry, for they will not any excuse to escape the judgement of God because they have been told the truth and have witness all the miracles that He did in their mixed.
Our joy is that He promised not to leave us as ophans but will give the Holy Spirit who will help us this difficult times, He will also tell us the truth and give us all the revelations we need about Him. And that will give us the encouragement to carry out His will for our life.

Prayer for the Day: Lord Jesus help me to be able to stand in times of diffiulties and temptations in Jesus Name.  

Saturday, January 1, 2011


January 1st February 2011
If the world hate you do not be worry, for they hate He Jesus first (v.19). The world would love you if you belong to them. Means if you are part of them and does whatever they want you to do then, they will love you as one of them. Jesus warns us ahead of time that all this will happen to us, so even the world hate you, you must no that it is sometinhg that will come to us as followers of Christ. Whatever He went through we shall also go through.
They would have escape the punishment that is coming if He has not come with the Good News, but now they can not because He told them the truth and they rejected it. All that you going in the hands of the false accusers is because they do not no the Father.
Our joy is that He promise to send us the comfoter who will give us the revelation and the truth we need and also  He will testify deeply about the Father, and that will give us the courage to also take the Good News to those who are perishing.

Prayer of the Day: Lord help me to be strong in times of difficulties, hardship, and temptations so that when I would be able to make Heaven.