Monday, January 17, 2011


In today's word, we can learn to follow God by meditating on the word of God. In the book of Joshua God told Joshua to study the word continually. Meditate on it day and night so you be sure to obey everything written in it.  He says only then can we prosper and succed in all that we do (Joshua 1:8). This means spending more time reading and thinking about what you read. It means asking yourself how can you change so you can live as God wants you to live, knowing and thinking about God's Word are the first steps toward applying it to our everyday life. If you want to follow God more closely you must know what He says. The more we know of the whle scope of God's Word, the more resources we will have to guide us in our daily decisions.
The more we delight in obeying the Lord the more fruitful we become, on the other hand the more we allow those who redicule God to affect our thought and attitudes the more we separate ourselves from our source of nourishment. We must have contact with unbelievers if we are to witness to them, but we must not join them in their sinful behavior. If you want despair spend time with mocking sinners, but if you want God's blessing then make friends with those who love God and His Word (v.3). They prosper in everything that they do, does not mean immunity to failure or difficulties, nor does it guarantiee health, wealth, and happiness. What the Bible means by prosperity is this: When we apply the Word of God the result or the by product we bear will be goodand will receive God's approval. Just as tree soaks up water and baers luscious fruit, we also are to soak up God's Word producing actions and attitudes that honor God, to be able to achieve anything in this life we must have God's Word in our hearts

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