Saturday, February 5, 2011


Saturday 5th Feburary 2011
As a child of God, God has given us some gifts that will enable us live a practical Christian life and also to build the Church of Christ. The same Spirit give different gifts for the profit of all. List these gifts; what are they meant for? who distribute these gifts and how do they work? Do you know your gifts? If yes how are you using it? If you do not know it desire it and ask God to reavel your gift and ministry to you. For Jesus said He choose us to go and be fruiftul, and as we are being fruitful whatever we ask shall be given to us according to His will. you were call for His purpose and that mission must be accomplish in you.
The gifts were given to us for the benefit of you and the Church and to bring glory to His name, why are you ignoring your gift that God has place in you for His glory.

Prayer for the Day: Lord Jesus, help me to identify my gift in and use it to your glory.  

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