Thursday, December 16, 2010

Beware of false teachers Thursday 16 December 2010 Matthew 7:15-29

Jesus teaches believers to recognize false teachers (vv. 15-20). Note those whose words sound godly but are motivated by marterial gain, fame and power. Their teachings are self-centered rather than God-centred. To run away from such people we must, (1) evaluate teachers words by examining their lives (2) be totally committed to the truth and the righteousness revealed in the scripture. You must know that is not all who call on God are serving God sincerely and only those who serve God with a genuine heart will make it to heaven. (vv.21-23) Jesus exposed those people who sounded religious but had no personal relationship with Him. On judgement day only our relationship with Christ our acceptance of Him as our Savior and our obedience to him will matter. Many people think if they are good people and they say religious things, they will be rewarded with eternal life. In reality, faith in Christ is what will count at the judgement.

Prayer for the Day: Help me dear Jesus, to live a honest, genuine and committed live to you all the days of my life.

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