Sunday, December 26, 2010

A call to holy living 1Peter 1:14-16

The imminent return of Christ should motiviate us to live for Him. This means being mentally alert (''think clealy''). disciplined (''exercise self-control''). and focused look forward. Are you ready to meet Christ, living as God's obedient child? The God of Israel and the Christian church is holy and He has set a standard for morality. Unlike the gods of other nations, our God is not a warlike,adulterous, or spetful. Unlike the god of pagan cults which was popular in the first century, he is not bloodthirsty. He is a God of mercy and justice who cares personally for each of His followers. Our holy God experts us to imitate him by following His high moral standards and by being merciful and just. Peter's words means that all part of our lives and character should be in the process of becoming conformed both inwardly and outwardly, to God' standards. After people commit their life to Christ they sometimes feel a pull back to their old ways. Peter tell us to be like our Heavenly Father holy in everything we do. Holiness means being tatally devoted or dedicated to God, set aside for His special use and set apart from sin and it's influence. We are to be set apart and be different not blending in with the crowd, and yet not being different for defferent sake. God's quality in our lives makes us defferent. Our focus and priorities must be His, all this things are in direct contrast with our old world. We can not become holy in our own, but God gives us His Holy Spirit to help us obey and to give us power to overcome sin. Don't use the excuse that you can't help slipping into sin. Rather rely on God's power to help you free yourself from the power of sin.

Prayer for the Day: Lord Jesus help me cleanse myself from the corruption of this world in other to be ready for you at anytime you come in Jesus name.

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