Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Wednesday January 12 2011
The Christian life is a process of becoming more and more like Jesus. In Romans 8:29 We it is said He new you and predestine you to be conformed to the image of Christ who is the first born among God's children. And this process will not be complete until our Lord returns for us to see Him face to face. For now we see through glass darkly; but then face to face: now  I know in part but shall I know even as also I am in known (1Corinthians 13:12). But knowing that it our ultimate destiny should motivate us to purify ourselves. To keep pure means to keep morally straight free from corruption of sin. God also purifies us but there is action we must take to remain morally fit (1Peter 1:22; 1Timothy 5:22; James 4:8). We must know that there is difference from committing a sin and continuing to sin. Even the most faithful believers sometimes commit sin, but they do not cherish a particular sin or continue to commit that same sin. A believer who commit sin can repent, confess it, and find forgiveness. A person who continue to by contrast is not sorry for what he or she is doing. Thus this person never confesses and never receives forgiveness. such a person is in opposition to God, no matter what religious claims he or she makes. Under the Old Testament sacrifice system, a lamb without blemish was offered as a sacrifice for sin. Jesus is the Lamb of God who take away the sins of the world (John 1:29). Because Jesus live a perfect life and sacrifice Himself for our sins, we can become completely forgiven (v.2:2). We can look back to His death for us and know we need not to fear eternal death(1Peter 1:18-20).

Thought of the Day: What is your position concerning sin, repentance, and confession?

Prayer: Lord help me to sincerely confess my sins to you that I might receive your forgiveness.    

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