Wednesday, January 19, 2011


January 19th 2011
We were created to affect world positively, just as seasoning brings outthe best flavor in food, Christians should not blend in with everyone else.
In (v.13). Jesus said we are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it lost it's flavor? Can you make it stay salty again? it will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless. If seasoning has no flavor, it has no value, if Christians make no effort to affect the world around them, they of little value of God. If we are too much of the world we are worthless Christians.
Can you hide a city that is sitting on a mountain top? It's light at night can be seen far away. If we live for Christ we will grow like light for He is he the light of the world and whoever is in Him see no darkness, and with that we can show the world what Christ is like. We hide our light by being quite when we should speak, following the crowd, deniyng the light, Letting sin quench our light, Not explaining our light to others or Ignoring the needs of others. Do not shut your light from others in the world for they need it, stand for the truth, (2Corinthians11:10).Paul said as the truth of Christ is in Him no one can stop Him from doing what she need to do. No one should stop you from what you need to do for Christ.

Thoughts of the Day: Is your light and salt alive? If not then now is the time.
Prayer for the Day: Lord Jesus help me to keep my light and salt alive so that the world can see  


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