Saturday, January 1, 2011


January 1st February 2011
If the world hate you do not be worry, for they hate He Jesus first (v.19). The world would love you if you belong to them. Means if you are part of them and does whatever they want you to do then, they will love you as one of them. Jesus warns us ahead of time that all this will happen to us, so even the world hate you, you must no that it is sometinhg that will come to us as followers of Christ. Whatever He went through we shall also go through.
They would have escape the punishment that is coming if He has not come with the Good News, but now they can not because He told them the truth and they rejected it. All that you going in the hands of the false accusers is because they do not no the Father.
Our joy is that He promise to send us the comfoter who will give us the revelation and the truth we need and also  He will testify deeply about the Father, and that will give us the courage to also take the Good News to those who are perishing.

Prayer of the Day: Lord help me to be strong in times of difficulties, hardship, and temptations so that when I would be able to make Heaven.

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